Denise Tate
Hi! My name is Denise Tate and I am a Colorado native living in Brighton, Colorado. I am a mom to two amazing young men, Corbyn (14 years old) and Aaden (12 years old). I have been married to my soulmate, Aaron, for almost 16 years and we love doing things together!...
Willie Tibbetts
I have loved to run and have for as long as I can remember. It’s a huge part of my identity. I don’t have just one reason to run, every day is a new discovery or motivation. More than once due to chronic injuries, doctors suggested I put my shoes aside and find a new...
COVID-19 and Events Series Post #1: Current and Likely State for 2020
A note from Lonnie Somers: A few weeks ago, if you had told me we would be looking at not returning to some sort of normal by May, I would have thought that is highly impossible. Well, the impossible has happened! The one constant is that everything is fluid right...
COVID-19 Event Series #2: What should you be doing to protect your event
Second in a series of COVID-19 blog posts by Lonnie Somers. There are several things that you should be doing to protect your event, those affiliated with it, and its brand. Do not sit idle: consider putting in place these measures to protect your event: Communicate –...
COVID-19 Events Series #3: What to consider in cancelling (or postponing) your event
Third in a series of recommendations from Denver event planner Lonnie Somers. As if it isn’t already stressful enough in planning out an even with every thing and “moving part” that goes into it, it is even more stressful when faced with the negative possibility of...
COVID-19 Event Series #4: Considerations for moving to a Virtual Event
Fourth in a series of COVID-19 posts by event organizer Lonnie Somers. Whether you offer a virtual option, move to a virtual event, or have to cancel the in-person event and move to virtual, there are some great solutions to help you administer a virtual event....
Is your performance suffering? 5 things to address before your next run
Years ago, I heard “everyone should be wearing hard podiatrist-prescribed custom orthotics, going barefoot was bad for our feet, and that most foot and ankle issues could be addressed with surgery, medication and rest”. I started my own research.