Why is fitness important to you?
I really started getting into running and general fitness as a way to help manage my anxiety. I found that running not only helped with the symptoms of anxiety, but allows me to have time to think and clear my brain. Overall though I just want to live a long and adventurous life. Living a healthy lifestyle and focusing on doing some form of activity every day helps me be able to do this.

How do you stay motivated/inspired?
For me I stay motivated and inspired by planning out at least one running event per season (Winter, spring, summer or fall). I find that by finding at least one event per season it not only gives me something to train for, but also something to look forward to. The energy at races is amazing! I also look for other ways to get out and exercise such as playing with my softball team during the summer months or getting out and hiking.

Favorite memory from running or event or?
I have a couple, but two that really stand out. The first is just the entire experience of running the Zion at Night Half Marathon. I started that race in the dark and finished right as the sun was coming up. Not only was it beautiful scenery, but it was also a unique challenge navigating the course in the dark (with a headlamp lol). The second was running the 5k on the Runway at DIA this past year. I honestly just thought it was a cool location for a race.

Anything else you want to share?
Outside of running and sports, I love reading and getting lost in a good book. I also love our National Parks and hope to visit each one someday.

What is your HAL (Healthy Active Lifestyle)?
My HAL is: Family, Running, A good trail, Soft Ball, Books!

Should the toilet paper roll be put on with the paper coming out under or over the roll?  HA!
Over the roll, under the roll just feels wrong lol.

~Kat Hellewell